So the Oscars are on tonight - last year I stayed up and watched them, but I rather regretted that decision when I had to drag myself out of bed the following morning, so I might just read about it afterwards this time! 

Even so, it's always a great ceremony recognising what's been great about the last year of cinema, which ties in rather nicely with the subject of this site. So, without further ado, here are my thoughts and predictions on who will be taking little golden men home with them tonight...

NB, I've put a star next to the nominated films I actually managed to see...

Best Picture
*American Hustle
*Captain Phillips
*Dallas Buyers Club
12 Years a Slave
*The Wolf of Wall Street

Prediction: Gravity
There are a lot of great films in this category this year, several of which tick the usual Academy boxes of true story, overcoming diversity, etc. The other nominees were brilliant too, but this year has been all about Gravity. 12 Years a Slave seems to be a popular choice as well, but from what I've heard it's a bit brutal, which tends to put Academy voters off. Similarly, Wolf of Wall Street, whilst being an incredibly entertaining film, is not the most PC in its subject matter. Philomena, Her and Nebraska are possibly a bit too indie to take the biggest prize, and although the others all stand a good chance too, I think Gravity is the film that everyone has been talking about this year. It's a bit like Argo last year - there is so much positive buzz coming off the back of this film it'll be hard for them to justify not giving it the award.

Actor in a leading role
*Christian Bale, American Hustle
*Bruce Dern, Nebraska
*Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street
Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
*Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club

Prediction: Chiwetel Ejiofor
This is a really tough one as McConaughey and DiCaprio were both completely mesmerising as men whose world's were falling apart one way or another. Either of them could win this and I would not be surprised, and it is about time DiCaprio got one for something! I loved Bruce Dern in Nebraska as well - he was incredibly subtle and likeable and completely realistic - but his story isn't quite as compelling as the others on this list and I think that will be enough to count against him. Bale was great as ever but his character was so unlikeable I'd be surprised if he gets the votes. I haven't seen 12 Years a Slave so I can't really comment on how good Ejiofor's performance was, but everything I've read about it seems to suggest he's a bit of a shoo-in. Out of the ones I saw I would probably give it to McConaughey, but I think it's going to be Ejiofor.

Actress in a leading role
*Amy Adams, American Hustle
*Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
*Sandra Bullock, Gravity
Judi Dench, Philomena
Meryl Streep, August: Osage County

Prediction: Cate Blanchett
I love Amy Adams and she was very captivating in American Hustle, Sandra Bullock did a magnificent job of holding everything together in Gravity, and Dench and Streep deserve any awards they get, but this should definitely go to Cate Blanchett. Her mental breakdown in Blue Jasmine was a stunning performance, which was all at once brutal, funny and sympathetic in equal measure. I would be quite surprised if she doesn't win it. 

Actor in a supporting role
*Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
*Bradley Cooper, American Hustle
Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave
*Jonah Hill, Wolf of Wall Street
*Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club

Prediction: Jared Leto
I really, really hope Leto wins this one - his performance as a transvestite drug addict was stunning, and completely unrecognisable from anything else I've seen him in. Abdi was brilliant as well - anyone who can stand up that well next to Tom Hanks in his first ever film role thoroughly deserves an award, and he got the Bafta for it which is usually a good indication of Oscar success, but I do think it will go to Leto.

Actress in a supporting role
*Sally Hawkins, Blue Jasmine
*Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave
Julia Roberts, August: Osage County
*June Squibb, Nebraska

Prediction: June Squibb
I'm a little bit in love with June Squibb after seeing Nebraska. In a more realistic sense, I'm far more in love with Jennifer Lawrence, and I think she has a very good chance - her performance was very emotional and carefully measured and the Academy seem to like her a lot - but I really hope Squibb steals it. She was incredible as a wife who seems horrible at first glance but little by little her affection starts to show through the cracks. I have a feeling this will actually go to Nyong'O, but I can't quite call it so I'm saying Squibb :)

Animated feature film
The Croods
*Despicable Me 2
Ernest & Celestine
The Wind Rises

Prediction: Frozen
It would be hard not to give this to Frozen after its phenomenal success over the last few months. Despicable Me 2 was fantastic, and had me laughing so hard in the cinema that my 3D glasses steamed up, and The Wind Rises looked beautiful - it wouldn't surprise me at all if they give the Oscar to Hiyao Miyazaki's last ever film - but it has to be Frozen. I would have liked to have seen Monsters University on the nomination list as well, though...

Best cinematography
The Grandmaster
*Inside Llewyn Davis

Prediction: Gravity
The first, I think, 15 minutes of Gravity was done in one long tracking shot, with the Earth in the background at sunrise. It was a stunning feat of camerawork and lighting, and will almost certainly win Gravity this award even notwithstanding the rest of the film. I loved Llewyn Davis and Nebraska and they were both beautifully shot, but for sheer technical achievement they can't not give this to Gravity.

Best costume design
*American Hustle
The Grandmaster
*The Great Gatsby
The Invisible Woman
12 Years a Slave

Prediction: American Hustle
Quite a tough one to call, this. I do think Hustle deserves it though - its glamorous outfits alone were enough to establish the time and place the film was set in, as well as making the people wearing them look stunning or ridiculous as required. Gatsby had some fantastic costumes as well, and I haven't seen the others but I'd imagine they all have a good chance. I will say Hustle though, even if it's only as a consolation prize for not getting the hair and makeup nomination...

Best Director
*David O'Russell, American Hustle
*Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity
*Alexander Payne, Nebraska
Steve McQueen, 12 Years a Slave
*Martin Scorsese, The Wolf of Wall Street

Prediction: Alfonso Cuaron
Gravity was unlike any other film that's been made, and Cuaron was the man who pulled it all together. The techniques and rigs used to create the effects of working in zero gravity would have put a lot of pressure on the cast and crew, and the fact that Cuaron was able to see that they worked through that and still make the best movie of the year thoroughly earns him this award. Much as I hate to deny it to Scorsese, and much as I loved Nebraska, I can't see them giving it to anyone else.

Documentaries, foreign language film and shorts
I'm skipping these ones, as the only one of the nominations I've seen in any of the categories was Get a Horse, the animated short that played at the start of Frozen. It was vaguely amusing but not nearly as good as past winners such as last year's beautiful Paperman, so if the other entries are any good I'd be very surprised if it wins. I can't really comment beyond that though!

Film editing
*American Hustle
*Captain Phillips
*Dallas Buyers Club
12 Years a Slave

Prediction: Gravity
My predictions may be getting a bit predictable here, but again it's hard to see this going anywhere else. Gravity was tense and suspenseful but also introspective and personal, and the editing was a big part of that. I'd quite like to see it go to Captain Phillips (for pretty much the same reason), but it's gonna go to Gravity. 

Makeup and hairstyling
*Dallas Buyers Club
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
The Lone Ranger

Prediction: Dallas Buyers Club
The Lone Ranger looked like it had some cracking hair and makeup, most of which was arranged in some artful way on the head of Johnny Depp, but it's probably a little too off the wall for the Academy. Especially, that is, compared to the far more subtle and realistic but no less challenging work that went into Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto's characters in Dallas Buyers Club. Bad Grandpa had some impressive prosthetics but was basically a scaled-up version of the surprising a celebrity bit of Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway - not the sort of high brow stuff the Academy tends to go for!

Music (original score)
*The Book Thief
Saving Mr Banks

Prediction: The Book Thief
I can only really judge this out of the two that I've seen, although Her was directed by Spike Jonze who does tend to have a good ear for a soundtrack. Gravity had very good, tense music from what I remember, and as I type I have a vague memory of really liking the music that played in the last scene, so (forgive the stream of consciousness!) I wouldn't be too upset if it took this one too. However, I saw the Book Thief just the other night and the music was lovely - it was composed by John Williams, the God of Soundtracks, and I would very much like him to get all the awards we can give him.

Music (original song)
*Happy, Despicable Me 2
*Let It Go, Frozen
The Moon Song, Her
Ordinary Love, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Prediction: Let It Go
It's a cracking song, and one that works really well in the context of the movie. Plus it's written and sung by people with a strong Broadway pedigree, which will appeal to a lot of the Academy voters many of whom will have a similar pedigree themselves. If it had been one of the songs the minions sing at the end of Despicable Me 2 I would have been more inclined to consider that one too, but as it's just Pharrell I'm sticking with Frozen. That man's had a successful enough year already...

Best Production Design
*American Hustle
*The Great Gatsby
12 Years a Slave

Prediction: The Great Gatsby
The sets in Gatsby's mansion were just stunning. There was so much going on in the party scenes that you didn't know where to look - the extravagance of the detail was so ridiculously frenzied that it would take repeat viewings just to take it all in, all of which fitted perfectly with the themes and plots of the film itself. American Hustle has some fantastic set design too, and Gravity is awesome in everything, but I think Gatsby should win it just for sheer opulence.

Sound Editing
All is Lost
*Captain Phillips
*The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Lone Survivor

Prediction: Gravity
In space, no-one can hear you scream, so working out what noises to use to convey incredible and horrendous destruction without any atmosphere to carry the sound must have been a tough job. I would love to see the Hobbit get it, just for Smaug's awesome booming drawl, but I don't think it will. 

Sound Mixing
*Captain Phillips
*The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
*Inside Llewyn Davis
Lone Survivor

Prediction: Inside Llewyn Davis
Let's be honest, it'll probably be Gravity again, but I would love to see Inside Llewyn Davis get this one. The music in that film worked brilliantly in with the rest of the sound, and it all came together really nicely. I struggle to tell the difference between the two sound categories a bit, but I liked the way Inside Llewyn Davis sounded.

Best Visual Effects
*The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
*Iron Man 3
The Lone Ranger
*Star Trek Into Darkness

Prediction: Gravity
This category tends to be the only one where the big, fun blockbusters are able to get any nominations, so has the potential for something a little bit different, but that's not going to happen, because Gravity. Which is a shame, because Smaug is probably the best movie dragon of all time, and an absolute masterpiece of computer generated character creation, and Iron Man and Star Trek both had some stunning action sequences. However, there is no way Gravity is not going to win this one - even if the Academy unanimously decided they hated it and didn't give it any other award, they would have to grudgingly admit that the work that went into creating the effects in this film, both practical like the huge rigs used to simulate zero gravity, and computer generated like the gorgeous expanse of Earth stretching away in the background, means it has to take this award.

Writing (adapted screenplay)
Before Midnight
*Captain Phillips
12 Years a Slave
*The Wolf of Wall Street

Prediction: 12 Years a Slave
Much as I would love to see Captain Phillips win this one, 12 Years a Slave will probably take it if only as a consolation prize when best film goes to Gravity. Plus that sort of subject matter must have been incredibly difficult to adapt into the visual medium without compromising on the uglier scenes. It's possible that Wolf of Wall Street could jump in and steal it, but I think it will be 12 Years a Slave.

Writing (original screenplay)
*American Hustle
*Blue Jasmine
*Dallas Buyers Club

Prediction: Blue Jasmine
I actually think this is one of the hardest ones to predict - all of these films are incredibly well-written, and thoroughly deserve the award, but I'm going with Blue Jasmine because the writing was, alongside Cate Blanchett's performance, one of the main reasons why the film was so successful. Its exploration into and portrayal of Blanchett's character's fragile mindset is realistic and believable, and flips between humorous and dark just enough to prevent either side becoming overwhelmed. Again, I would really like it if Nebraska took this one, and Dallas and Hustle both thoroughly deserve it too, but I think Blue Jasmine is the more likely bet.

So that's all of them! Basically, Gravity will probably do rather well. I'm looking forward to seeing if I got any of them right tonight. Or, more likely, tomorrow morning...

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    Sam Edwards is a recent graduate in Film & Television living in Birmingham


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